Strollers That Turn Into Car Seats

Strollers that turn into car seats

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Full List of Strollers that Turn into Car Seats

If you’re looking for a stroller that does double-duty and can turn into a car seat, you have a couple of options:

  • The Doona
  • Evenflo Shyft DualRide


The Doona is the most popular stroller on the market that turns into a car seat (and vice versa). Doona basically invented the category and had little to no competition for years. 

The Doona is an infant car seat that has integrated wheels. For years the Doona was the only car seat on the market with these features. The Doona came out in 2015 and surprisingly, no other company had come out with a comparable product until recently.

Evenflo Shyft DualRide

The Evenflo Shyft DualRide is the newest stroller that turns into a car seat. The concept of the Evenflo is basically the same as the Doona. The wheels simply fold under the body when you want to turn the Shyft DualRide into a car seat. There are a ton of differences between the Doona and Evenflo though! For a much more in depth look at the differences between the Doona and the Evenflo Shyft DualRide check out our comparison article: Doona vs. Evenflo Shyft DualRide

Strollers that are Compatible with Car Seats

Although the Doona and Evenflo Shyft DualRide are the only strollers that convert into car seats, there are multiple strollers on the market that are compatible with infant car seats. 

The difference is that the infant car seat and stroller are two separate products. There are pros and cons to getting a stroller/car seat combo as opposed to the Doona (a car seat and stroller in one). If you get a stroller/car seat combo, the useful life of the stroller will be much longer. With the Doona or Shyft DualRide, you can’t use the stroller aspect once the child outgrows the infant car seat.

For more pros and cons of the Doona, click here.

Popular Stroller/Car Seat Combos

  • Almost all strollers can be used as a travel system in conjunction with car seats. Some strollers come with the necessary adapters, while with some strollers you have to purchase the necessary adapter separately. Not all strollers are compatible with all car seats; you will be limited to the specific brands and models. 

Here are some popular strollers that are compatible with car seats:

  • Mockingbird (Single or Single-to-Double): See the full list of compatible car seats here
  • UPPAbaby Vista V2: See the full list of compatible car seats here
  • UPPAbaby Cruz V2: See the full list of compatible car seats here
  • UPPAbaby Minu
  • Babyzen Yoyo
  • Baby Jogger City Mini 2
  • Nuna Mixx Next
  • Nuna Pepp Next
Here are some lightweight strollers that are compatible with car seats:
For comparison purposes, the Doona weighs 16.5 pounds
  • Babyzen Yoyo2: Weighs 13.6 pounds
  • Cybex Libelle: 13.7 pounds
  • Cybex Eezy Twist 2: 18.2 pounds
  • Cybex Beezy: 18.1 pounds
  • gb Pockit All-City: 13.3 pounds
  • Mountain Buggy Nano V3: 13 pounds
  • UPPAbaby Minu: 15 pounds

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Strollers that turn into car seats
Strollers that turn into car seats


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