60+ Calming Activities Kids Can Do When Feeling Overwhelmed

Life can be overwhelming for kids.  As parents, it’s important to embody and teach healthy coping mechanisms for when life gets tough.  Whether you have a 2 year old or 12 year old, there are a variety of activities that kids can do when feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, etc.

At the heart of these activities is mindfulness.  Mindfulness practice brings attention and focus to the present moment.  This in turns brings a sense of calm and peace.  Practicing mindfulness also helps to improve impulse control, attention and decision making skills.  Healthy coping skills can also help curb emotional outbursts.  Controlling one’s emotions (i.e. emotional intelligence) is an important life skill.  


60+ Calming Activities Kids Can Do When Feeling Overwhelmed

Here’s a list of 60+ activities kids can do when feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Count to 10
  2. Count to 100
  3. Ride a Bike or Scooter
  4. Blow Bubbles
  5. Walk Barefoot Outside
  6. Sit Outside
  7. Touch Nature Rocks, Grass, Dirt, Pinecones
  8. Look at Clouds
  9. Look at Stars
  10. Draw with Chalk
  11. Re-Organize/De-Clutter/Pick Up Toys
  12. Clean Vacuum, Wash Windows, etc.
  13. Journal
  14. Write a Letter
  15. Write a Poem
  16. Write a Story
  17. Color
  18. Paint
  19. Draw
  20. Listen to Music
  21. Read a book
  22. Take a bath
  23. Soak Your Feet
  24. Do Spa-like Activities Brush hair, Facemask, paint nails, etc.
  25. Play with Playdough Related:  18 Playdough Activities for Toddlers
  26. Play with Pets
  27. Cook
  28. Bake
  29. Build Something Blocks, Legos, Magnatiles, etc.
  30. Do a Puzzle
  31. Do Yoga
  32. Exercise/Do Jumping Jacks
  33. Go on a Walk/Jog
  34. Learn Something New
  35. Read a Book
  36. Practice Gratitude
  37. Take slow, Mindful Breaths
  38. Say/Write  Positive Affirmations
  39. Meditate
  40. Make a Plan  If there’s a particular situation that is causing stress/anxiety in your child, help them make a plan to address the specific situation
  41. Perform Acts of Kindness for Others
  42. Sing
  43. Dance
  44. Do a Craft
  45. Make Slime
  46. Play with Slime
  47. Play with Sand/Beans/Birdseed
  48. Play with Water
  49. Do Yardwork
  50. Garden
  51. Talk it Out
  52. Get a Hug
  53. Get a Massage
  54. Cry
  55. Go Somewhere New
  56. Plan a Trip/Event
  57. Light a Candle
  58. Take a Break/Nap
  59. Snuggle Up Create a cozy space.  Weighted Blankets are great!
  60. Use a Stress Ball or Other Fidget-Type Product  Check out this article for some ideas!
  61. Use Aromatherapy Smell something good!  This could be diffusing essential oils, lighting a scented candle or spraying a non-toxic air freshener  
  62. Drink Water
  63. Drink Something Special
  64. Eat a Snack

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