Natursutten Pacifier | 10 Things You Need to Know

Here’s 10 things you need to know about Natursutten pacifiers…

1. Made of 100% Natural Rubber

These pacifiers of made 100% from the sap of rubber trees. Natural rubber has no BPA, phthalates, or chemical softening agents.

2. One Solid Piece

The sap is molded into one solid piece. This means no cracks or crevices like most conventional pacifiers have. This makes them easier to clean and arguably more sanitary as a result.

3. Sustainably Made

Pacifier: The rubber tree is considered an eco-friendly and sustainable wood due to its fast growing nature. It takes about 5 years for the tree to reach maturity from a seed. The tree then produces rubber for about 20 years, when it is then harvested for wood.

The Natursutten supplier is a member of the Malaysian Rubber Board. As a result Natursutten contributes in creating a sustainable industry by replanting rubber trees and invest in research & development towards sustaining the viability of the rubber industry in Malaysia.

Packaging: Packaging is made from paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and printed with natural soy ink. The clear window is made of bioplastic (from corn, not petroleum).

4. Softer than Silicone

Natural rubber is naturally softer than silicone.

5. Family Run Business | Made in Italy | Designed in Denmark | Raw Material Sourced from Malaysia

6. 4 Models, 3 sizes each = 12 Options Total

There are 4 models of the Natursutten pacifier you have to choose from. You can choose either the original or butterfly shield. You can also choose either the round or orthodontic nipple.

Original Shield
Round Nipple
Butterfly Shield
Orthodontic Nipple

Each of the 4 models comes in 3 different sizes: small, medium and large.

As a guide, Nattursutten suggests the following sizes based on age:

  • S (0-6mth),
  • M (6-12mth) and
  • L (12 mth up)

7. Ethically Made

Natursutten ensures that all suppliers operate in accordance with internationally recognized standards on human rights, labour and the environment.

8. Needs to be replaced frequently

At least more frequently than your traditional pacifier. It depends on use, but the guideline is to replace every 6-8 weeks. Signs the pacifier needs replaces is if it gets sticky to the touch. If it starts peeling, it needs replaced immediately.

9. Biodegradable

If you’re not too keen on the fact the Natursutten pacifier has to be replaced frequently, keep in mind the reasoning behind it. Natural rubber is better for the environment because it’s biodegradable.

Here’s a powerful image showing how natural rubber biodegrades (this is another brand of natural rubber pacifiers)

10. Unique handle

The natural rubber pacifier trend is growing, but Natursutten has a unique recognizable loop handle. The loop is perfect for wearing the pacifier on your finger (like a ring) while you juggle other things. I can’t tell you how many times this has come in handy!

11. Bonus fun fact: This recognizable pacifier has been seen with many celebrities including Jessica Alba and Wiz Kalifia!


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