Can You Jog with a Normal Stroller?

Wondering if you can jog with your normal, everyday stroller is a common question among parents. 

Can You Jog with a Normal Stroller?

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Can You Jog with a Normal Stroller?

No, you should not jog with a normal stroller. Jogging strollers are meant specifically for this task. Not only are jogging strollers more comfortable for mom and baby, they are safer.

Major Differences Between Jogging Stroller & Regular Stroller

There are some major differences between normal strollers and jogging strollers that make jogging strollers suitable for jogging:

  • 3 wheels instead of 4: The most notable difference between jogging strollers and regular strollers is that jogging strollers have 3 wheels with only one wheel in the front.
  • Fixed front wheel: Jogging strollers have a fixed, locked front wheel that prevents it from turning. Some jogging strollers have a swiveling front wheel, but it is able to be locked into place. This is an important safety feature of jogging strollers. The fixed front wheel helps the runner keep control of the stroller. A front swivel wheel can cause the stroller to turn suddenly and even tip over at a jogging pace!
  • Wrist strap: The wrist strap is a good safety feature that is found in most jogging strollers. This is especially important if you plan on jogging in rough terrain or hilly areas.
  • Hand brake: The hand brake is another safety feature found in many jogging strollers. If you plan on running on hills or inclines, this a feature you should really consider looking for.
  • Bigger wheels: Jogging strollers typically have much bigger wheels than traditional strollers which help to provide a smooth ride and handle surface imperfections better.
  • Better suspension: Jogging strollers typically have better suspension than regular strollers so it can handle going over bumps at high speeds without jolting the child around.

Resist the Temptation to Jog with Your Normal Stroller

Trust us, we totally get why you would want to jog with your normal stroller.

1) Strollers are expensive 

Strollers aren’t cheap. Your regular stroller cost a pretty penny. Wouldn’t it be great if you could save some money and avoid having to buy another stroller?

2) Strollers are take up a lot of room

Strollers are bulky and take up space when not in use. Having a second jogging stroller means one more thing to store. 

3) You’re not sure how often you would use a jogging stroller

If you’re looking to test the waters and not sure you’ll actually stick with jogging long-term, it can be tempting to jog with your normal stroller.

Please resist the temptation of jogging with your normal stroller.

If you’re worried about the cost or longevity of buying a jogging stroller:

  • Stick with a cheaper jogging stroller (like these from Target). They may not have all the bells and whistle of the more expensive models, but it will still be much safer than running with a regular stroller. 
  • Buy second-hand or used.
  • See if you can borrow one from a friend.
  • Consider the re-sale value. If you go with a higher-end jogging stroller, you could likely recoup hundreds of dollars if you re-sell it when you’re done.
  • Think of buying a jogging stroller as a long term investment in your health and well-being. 

If you’re worried about the space:

  • Can you forego a regular stroller and just use a jogging stroller? If so, consider a jogging stroller with a lockable front wheel so you can un-lock it for easier maneuverability when walking.
  • Consider the Guava Roam Crossover stroller, the jogging stroller with the most compact fold on the market. This also makes a good everyday stroller.
  • Consider getting a regular stroller with a compact fold. This will save space and can help make room for storing a larger jogging stroller.

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Can You Jog with a Normal Stroller?
Can You Jog with a Normal Stroller?


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