Similar to many parents, we found ourselves debating between the Nuna Rava vs. Clek Foonf. Both the Rava and Foonf are comparable convertible carseats. When deciding between the Nuna Rava vs. Clek Foonf, we ultimately decided to get the Nuna Rava. Here’s why:
1. More Options for Flame Retardant Free Fabric for the Nuna Rava vs. Clek Foonf
Flame Retardant Free Options:

Clek has only one flame retardant free fabric option (called “Mammoth Black Wool”), whereas the Nuna Rava has multiple. As of 2019, ALL of Nuna Rava’s fabric options are flame retardant free. Prior to that, all except one (named Verona) were flame retardant free.
Choosing the Nuna Rava over the Clek for this reason is partly an ethically-based decision, as I like to support companies whose values align with mine. Having no flame retardants in my car seat is important to me, so I like supporting a company where flame retardant free is the norm, rather than the exception.
Having more flame retardant free color options is also nice when it comes to personal aesthetics, as you can choose a color that best suits you. I also like having more color options for practical reasons. I ultimately chose a lighter color in the Nuna Rava since I live in Florida and the car seat can get really hot. Unfortunately, the only flame retardant free fabric Clek comes in is dark (black wool).
2. No Re-Thread Harness on the Rava
In researching the Nuna Rava vs. Clek Foonf, you’ll find that the Clek has a re-thread harness and the Nuna Rava has a “no re-thread” harnesss.
When I read the Clek has a re-thread harness and the Nuna Rava has a “no re-thread” harnesss, I was immediately drawn to the Nuna for this reason.
As your child grows, you have to adjust their harness (to match their height). Depending on the car seat, this can be a re-thread harness, where you have to remove the car seat and manually adjust the harness. A “no re-thread harness” is unquestionably more convenient.
This is based on personal experience with the infant seat. My infant seat had a re-thread harness, and frankly I found myself slacking to keep up with adjusting it. And adjusting the harness on an infant seat is SO much easier than on a convertible seat (which would need to be un-installed first). Based on other’s reviews, the Clek isn’t exactly the easiest to install, so this is something I personally don’t want to mess with or have to worry about.
Related: What is the Lightest Infant Car Seat?
3. Easier to Clean | Nuna Rava vs. Clek Foonf
I’ve heard anecdotal stories from friends that the Clek is a pain to clean, and some parts can only be spot cleaned. One common recommendation thrown around to is to hire a car seat cleaning company (and yes, this is a real thing!). Although this may be a good solution for some people, frankly I do not want to add another item like this to my to-do list (or budget).
I’ve only had to remove the fabric from the infant seat less than a handful of times, so I don’t particularly predict I’ll be needing to clean the convertible car seat that often, but hearing that the Nuna is easier to clean is another reason that swayed me to buy the Nuna.
What About Price?
The Nuna Rava costs less than the Clek Foonf (in the flame retardant free fabric; you should also note the flame retardant free fabric is priced higher than the other Clek Foonfs).
Although this is a perk, this wasn’t a deciding factor for me.
But it is worth mentioning that the Nuna Rava currently costs $449.95 and the Clek Foonf (in black wool) costs $499.99. This is a $50 savings!
Click here to learn more about the Nuna Exec and how it compares to the Rava.
Hope this was helpful if you’re also deciding between the FLAME RETARDANT FREE Nuna Rava Vs. Clek Foonf. Let me know if you want a review once I’ve used the Nuna Rava for a while. I am also considering purchasing the Clek Foonf for our second car to get a better perspective…let me know what you think!
You can e-mail me or find me on Instagram @modernmindfulmom

Check out our other articles on Nuna products:
A Year Later | Nuna Mixx2 Stroller Review