Beyoncé & Kim Kardashian | What This World Needs

Beyoncé & Kim Kardashian: They May Not Be The Superheroes We Want, But They’re The Superheroes We Need

Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are both moms.  Although I don’t know them personally, I’m confident they are raising good humans.

But Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are raising more than just their nuclear family.  They are helping to raise an entire generation.

Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are both using their mass influence to make positive impacts in today’s world.  For reference, Beyoncé has 127 million followers on Instagram and Kim Kardashian has 137 million followers.

It’s practically unavoidable to hear mention of Beyoncé or Kim Kardashian in today’s society.  Many adults roll their eyes when they see the Kardashians constantly mentioned in the media.  Even more probably cringe thinking about how these celebrities are idolized and treated like superheroes.  Yes, every generation idolized celebrities to a certain extent, but it’s reached a whole new level.

Today’s “tweenagers”, teenagers, and young adults are social media and celebrity-obsessed. 

However, this obsession with Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian isn’t all bad. 

Both have brought attention and change to two important issues.  Beyonce has encouraged millions to eat a more plant based diet.  Kim has brought prison reform to forefront of peoples minds.

Beyoncé has been making waves in the food industry, which has a direct impact on health and the environment.  Not only has she spoken publicly about her personal eating habits, she has also encouraged her fans to also eat a plant-based diet.  She recently had a call to action to join her in “Meatless Mondays.”

Kim Kardashian recently has been making headlines for her legal activism.  She’s taken a strong interest in the law, especially as it relates to prison reform.  She’s helped to free several prisoners now who were facing unfair life sentences. 

If you have (or know) tweenagers/teenagers/young adults, you know that sometimes it can be hard to get them care about anything outside of themselves. 

We now have millions of people eating better thanks to Beyoncé.  We now of millions of people talking about prison reform thanks to Kim Kardashian.

And in many cases, these people ONLY care about these things because of the celebrity who endorsed it. 

They’re like the “cool aunt” who can get your kid to eat their broccoli after you have tried and failed many times before.  And that’s just what this world needs right now.


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